Standard Architecture Services | Residential + Commercial
Interior Architecture Services
Master Planning
Project Management
Schematic Design
Consult with the Owner to determine project goals, requirements, and program
Develop study drawings, documents, or other media that illustrate the concepts of the design and include spatial relationships, scale, and form for the owner to review
Research zoning requirements or jurisdictional restrictions
Produce a final schematic design, to which the Owner agrees after consultation and discussions
Estimate costs based on overall project volume
Deliverables: site plan, floor plan(s), elevation(s)
Design Development
Develop mechanical, electrical, plumbing, structural, and architectural details
Select material types
Produce a final design, to which the Owner agrees after consultation and discussions
Deliverables: floor plans, sections, and elevations, preliminary details, and outline material specifications
Construction Documents
Develop construction details
Prepare drawings for agency submittal and contractor bidding
Deliverables: a set of drawings that include all pertinent information required for agency review
Agency Approvals
Submit drawings to responsible agency
Respond to agency comments and receive agency approval
Deliverables: an approved set of drawings ready for permit issuance
Bidding / Contract Negotiation
Submit drawings to potential Contractors for pricing.
Assist the Owner in evaluating the bids and selecting a Contractor
Construction Administration
Attend initial construction meeting with Owner and Contractor
Conduct site visits to correspond with required agency inspections
Respond to Contractor requests for information
The following services may be provided in addition to the standard services contract or may be offered as stand alone services.
Site Evaluation and Planning
Assist in site selection, including analysis of Owner’s program and alternative sites
Analyze site to determine maximum potential and development potential
Perform other analysis, such as planning and zoning requirements, site context, historic resources, utilities, environmental impact, and parking and circulation
Existing Conditions Survey
Take measurements of existing building and/or landscaping features
Produce as-built drawings in AutoCAD format
Preliminary studies to determine financial feasibility, site suitability, and/or master planning
Develop architectural programming, including value identification, goal setting, discovery of related facts, and development of specific project requirements
Furnishings, Fixtures, and Equipment Design
Select brand, model, and finish (as applicable) for fixtures and equipment
Select appropriate furnishings for finished spaces
Work with general contractor during design process in order to provide single-point accountability and seamless integration of design and construction and of cost and schedule control